Participation of exchange members in bonds trading for 18.04.2017. - 21.04.2017.

Without block transactions

Member of ExchangeTurnover
No.of trans.
sell side
buy side
No. of trans.
sell side
No. of trans.
buy side
CapitalOne a.d., Beograd37,73%25,00%3.634.750,000,0010
Komercijalna banka a.d. , Beograd37,73%25,00%0,003.634.750,0001
Dunav Stockbroker a.d. , Beograd24,54%50,00%1.182.000,001.182.000,0011

Including block transactions

Member of ExchangeTurnover
No.of trans.
sell side
buy side
No. of trans.
sell side
No. of trans.
buy side
CapitalOne a.d., Beograd37,73%25,00%3.634.750,000,0010
Komercijalna banka a.d. , Beograd37,73%25,00%0,003.634.750,0001
Dunav Stockbroker a.d. , Beograd24,54%50,00%1.182.000,001.182.000,0011