NIIS - NIS a.d., Novi Sad - 12.09.2024.
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Basic data | |
Name of Security | NIS a.d. Novi Sad, obicne akcije sa pravom glasa |
Symbol | NIIS |
Market | Prime Listing |
Trading Method | Continuous Trading Method |
Registry number | 20084693 |
Sector code | B-0610 |
Sector name | B - Mining |
Number of shares outstanding | 163.060.400 |
Number of shares in trading | 163.060.400 |
Currency | RSD |
Statistical overview of ownership structure | Central Registry of Securities |
Web site | |
Market Capitalization | 134.687.890.400 |
Daily data 12.09.2024. | |
Price | 826 |
Change | -0,96% -8 RSD |
Volume | 389 |
Turnover | 321.245 |
Open | 826 |
High | 830 |
Low | 825 |
VWAP | 826 |
52 Weeks | |
Highest price | Lowest price |
900 | 721 |
09.04.2024. | 15.09.2023. |
Historical | |
Highest price | Lowest price |
1.020 | 442 |
25.04.2013. | 14.09.2010. |
Annual Statistics for 2023. | |
Avg turnover | 3.945.489 |
Avg No. of Trans. | 23,93 |
VWAP | 755 |
FFc | 13,97% |