Terms of Use

User’s rights and obligations

These Terms of Use of the website of Belgrade Stock Exchange jsc, Belgrade (hereinafter: Terms) govern the relationship between You as the user of data and information (hereinafter: User) and Belgrade Stock Exchange jsc, Belgrade (hereinafter: BELEX). By using this website, the User states without any objections that he understands and agrees to comply with the Terms.

BELEX is making the data contained in the website available to the public solely for informational purposes, and by doing so does not directly or indirectly solicit business or offer to buy or sell any securities to any person, anywhere. The information contained herein shall in no way be construed to constitute a recommendation by the Exchange with respect to the purchase or sale of any security and other financial instruments, or a recommendation regarding the merit of any issuer of securities or other financial instruments, members of BELEX, investment funds or other persons mentioned on the websites.

BELEX grants to the User a limited non-exclusive and non-transferable licence to use the BELEX website which means the right to view, copy, print and reutilise the content of this websites exclusively for personal non-commercial use  and in the manner that is not detrimental to the lawful interests of BELEX and is not harmful to the standard use of the database.

The information contained herein may not be distributed, reproduced, licensed or sublicensed, altered, etc, in whole or in part, nor copied, multiplied or in any other way used in the interest of income generation or income enhancement, directly or indirectly, without prior written consent of BELEX.

Copying shall be understood as a multiplication of the website content or a portion thereof, by any means or tools.

Electronic and printed media are allowed to use and publish the information on the website of BELEX -  Press corner free of charge and without written consent of BELEX, with an indication of the source.

Using the website’s content for any illegal purpose or purposes detrimental to the good reputation or business interests of BELEX and/or harmful to the standard use of the database is prohibited. Any presentation of BELEX website within and as part of the website of the User or a third party, as well as utilization of its content without indication of the source or its presentation on any other website is prohibited.


The User acknowledges and accepts that all data, content, graphs, text, trademarks and logos and all other materials contained on the website are protected by copyright, trademark and other proprietary rights.

BELEX endevours to ensure that the data and information representing the website’s content are true, accurate and timely, and access to the website shall be continous and undisturbed, but BELEX does not warrant these and accepts no liability thereof. BELEX shall not be held liable for any damages possibly originating from possible virus infections occurring during the use of the website.

The information herein, including market data and indicators, has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but BELEX does not give any warranty as to its accuracy or completeness, and it should not be relied upon as such. BELEX makes available through its website the data delivered to BELEX by issuers of securities and other financial instruments in compliance with their disclosure obligations prescribed by the law, by-laws and BELEX rules and regulations. All information is provided „as-is“ without warranty, express or implied, to any User or third party, as to their accuracy, timeliness, completeness or fitness for a particular purpose.

The data contained in the website is inherently subject to change without notice and may become outdated. You should therefore verify any information obtained from this service before you act upon it.

BELEX shall not be liable for any reason whatsoever for any claims, losses, damages, costs or expenses of any nature, arising indirectly or directly from use of the data or material on this site.

BELEX reserves the right to modify its website, to restrict its availability or terminate it.

BELEX has reasonable security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse and interception by third parties of the information under our control. However complete confidentiality and security is not possible over the Internet.BELEX assumes no liability for any damages you may suffer as a result of interception, alteration or misuse of information transmitted over the Internet.

BELEX may accept advertising from listed companies, its members and other organizations on its website. No endorsement by BELEX is intended or implied by the presence of such advertising.

Personal data

If you use, via BELEX website, any service where the entering of your personal data is required, you do so of your own free will. Personal data provided by yourself shall be used by BELEX exclusively for the purpose for which you provided such. BELEX will not transfer your pesonal data to third persons. Personal data is any data on the basis of which you can be identified, directly or indirectly.

BELEX may use the User’s personal data for other purposes or provide the User’s data to third persons only if: (a) we have your consent or (b) BELEX is obliged to do so by law.


Unless you have a written agreement in effect with BELEX which states otherwise, you may only provide a hypertext link to BELEX website on another web site, provided that (a) the link must „point“ to the URL http://www.belex.rs and not to other pages within BELEX website; (b) the appearance, position and other aspects of the link may not be such as to damage or dilute the goodwill associated with BELEX’s name and trade marks; (c) the appearance, position and other aspects of the link may not create the false appearance that an entity is associated with or sponsored by BELEX; (d) the link, when activated by a user, must display BELEX website full-screen and not within a „frame“ on the linked website; and (e) BELEX reserves the right to revoke its consent to the link at any time at its sole discretion.

As a convenience to our visitors, BELEX website contains links to a number of websites. Your linking to such websites or pages is at your own risk. BELEX is not responsible fo the accuracy or reliability of any information, data, opinions, advice or statements made on these sites. The inclusion of such links on BELEX website does not imply that BELEX accepts any responsibility for the content or uses of such websites.


Any use of BELEX website in compliance with the above stated terms of use is permitted and is free of charge.

Any use of the website content in a way different from the above provisions or a transgression of the extent set for free use would result in unlawful use and BELEX would take remedial measures ensured by the law against such conduct, including the right to block access from a particular Internet address to our website.

In case it is established that some of the provisions of these Terms are null or unrealizable, entirely or partly, for any reason whatsoever, this shall not affect the validity or realization of other provisions or parts of the provisions.

BELEX reserves the right to change these Terms without previous notice to User. User is bound by such revisions so we encourage you to visit this page frequently to stay informed.

The website address of BELEX is: www.belex.rs. Any similar address which may appear on the Internet has no direct or indirect relations with BELEX except for BELEX service www.belex.info  which represents the website of BELEX available to authorized users.

% -0,97%
14.02.2025. 09:30:00More
Source NBS, 14.02.2025.
Market Capitalization - 13.02.2025.
476.105.293.191 RSD
4.065.561.407 EUR

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BELEXsentiment for February 2025 is 78.85 pts
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BELEXsentiment for January 2025 is 113.28 pts

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